Various and Sundered Items

GLOG Class: Magi

What if your GLOG class could only have one spell?

Wise men, sages, PHD graduates. You are a gem of your institution, out to advance your field of study to the next level with the help of your trusty spell.

Starting Equipment: blank book, stoppered ink pots, set of quill pens, scholarly robe and hat, 1d6 gold pieces.

Starting Skill (1d6)

  1. Chemistry
  2. Astronomy
  3. Biology
  4. History
  5. Architecture
  6. Philosophy

For each template, gain +1 to reaction rolls with members of the First Estate, Wizards, and the educated.

A: Mystic Obsession, Educated, Dominus Illuminatio Mea

B: Mystic Focus, Peer Reviewed

C: Sancta Sophia

D: Doctor Angelicus, Revelation

Mystic Obsession

Magi are spellcasters who know only one spell, which they strive to master. They have 1 MD per Magi template. If they learn additional spells from another source, they keep their MD but other bonuses apply only to their Mystic Obsession spell.

When you gain this feature, choose a spell that is available to any Wizard school at Template A (typically spells 1-6 from their school). As long as this is your only spell, you do not suffer mishaps or dooms when casting it.

Note: if your Mystic Obsession spell is obviously malefic or vile (necromantic, mutative, or mind-controlling, among others), you must be a member of Dark Academia. You need not be evil to be a member of Dark Academia though.


You gain proficiency in Literature, Religion, and Etiquette. You know the topic of a literary work in some detail just by looking at its cover, even if the title or cover are obscure or obfuscatory. Your information may be slightly or heavily skewed by the prevailing opinions of your Alma Mater. Education is heavily funded and controlled by the Church, though some underground institutions of “Dark Academia” also exist. Both have their biases, minor and major.

Dominus Illuminatio Mea

If you are not a graduate of a Dark Academia university, you are a member of the First Estate - a deacon in good standing.

If you are a graduate of Dark Academia, you have enough religious knowledge to fool typical Deacons, Initiates, and lay people into thinking you are a deacon in good standing. More veteran and educated clergy will eventually uncover your ruse, and inquisitors will uncover it quickly.

Mystic Focus

Your long hours of practice with your Mystic Obsession spell gives you unusual spellcasting stamina with that spell. MD only expend on a 5 or 6 when casting your Mystic Obsession Spell. This is only active if you have cast no other spells since you last regained MD.

Peer Reviewed

You get a +1 bonus to Armor Class per combatant you can see in combat, up to +6. This doesn’t stack with any worn armor.

Sancta Sophia

You have a +2 bonus on all wisdom and intelligence rolls. Once per day as a free action on your turn, you may declare a course of action made by another creature that is determined by a single roll to be wise or foolish. If the creature doesn’t do the action on their next turn, this ability is refunded.

Wise. The roll is made with advantage. If it succeeds, you restore 1 MD. If you already have all of your MD, instead heal 1d6 hit points.

Foolish. The roll is made with disadvantage. If it fails, you restore 1 MD. If you already have all of your MD, instead heal 1d6 hit points.

Doctor Angelicus

Under your tender care, your spell ascends into a higher form - it becomes a minor angelic spirit called a guardian angel. If you are not in good standing with the Church, it may be a fallen guardian angel. If you are a graduate of Dark Academia or just plain villainous, it is almost certainly a fallen angel. The differences are largely apparent in personality and appearance.

The guardian angel appears as a softly glowing, cat-sized elf. It may be male or female, is winged, and is intelligent (treat as 13 in all mental stats). Most everything else is up to the angel itself, typically inspired by the spell it grew from. It is intangible, flies, and does not eat, sleep, or breathe. It is in many ways a sapient illusion (like a science fiction AI hologram). It always remains within 50’ of the Magi and can choose to shed light as a lantern. Finally, it can still be used as a spell, with the point of origin coming from either the Magi or the guardian angel, and the MD used on it only expending on a 6.

Because the guardian angel is a spell as well as an angel, it can hide in your brain quiet comfortably, able to speak with you telepathically and perceive the world with your senses.


Your fierce love of knowledge leads you to uncover an important but little-known secret. Tell your GM something your character wants. The GM tells you how, in broad strokes, to get it in an attainable way. If the desire is truly out of reach, negotiate with your GM for something more attainable. The result of getting the thing should be a strong, permanent boon, decided by the GM.

Design Notes

You may not have noticed, but the Magi cannot roll mishaps or dooms unless they acquire a spellcasting tradition (typically by multiclassing into wizard). This is probably the class's strongest feature, and it encourages Magi to use their one spell at full power whenever they aren't specifically worried about running out of MD.

The rest of the class is fairly straightforward "wise guy" stuff. Template D gives you a powerful permanent light source and another mind to do useful thinking (two heads are better than one). Revelation is very group-dependent, but I like the idea of the class all about learning actually learning something they would want to know, guaranteed. That doesn't mean they'll get what they're after, of course.

#GLOG #class #homebrew